3 Bedroom House-ID 1028

$ 209.00

SKU: 1028 Categories: ,
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Imagine stepping into a world of luxury as you explore 2038 square feet of heated space in this expertly crafted farmhouse. Every corner of this home is thoughtfully designed to offer the utmost comfort and seamless functionality.


A PDF FILE containing:

1.Cover Sheet: The cover sheet shows the 3D views of the house

2.Floor Plans; The floor plans locate all openings and walls both exterior and interior of the entire building. They also show the furniture layout

3. Roof Plan; The roof plan depicts the roof type and slope of each plane.

4. Exterior Elevations: The exterior elevations depict the exterior finishes , roof style (Hip or gable) and slopes, ridge heights, window styles and overhang lengths. The exterior elevations include a front, right, rear and left elevation.

5. Doors and Windows schedule; The schedule gives heights, lengths and levitation of windows and doors.

6. The CAD file & 3D Sketchup file are sent upon purchase of the plan 


  • Architectural or Engineering Stamp – handled locally if required
  • Foundation Plan & structural drawings due to difference in geology
  • Site Plan – handled locally when required
  • Electrical Drawings (Only lighting layout can be provided on request)
  • Mechanical Drawings (location of heating and air equipment and duct work) – your subcontractors handle this
  • Plumbing Drawings (drawings showing the actual plumbing pipe sizes and locations) – your subcontractors handle this
  • Energy calculations – handled locally when required

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